Wednesday, October 9, 2013

SER 3.1

This afternoon was a little fragmented, because I had a short notice meeting at Wisconsin DNR which is located just a few blocks from the conference venue. It was a preliminary meeting to discuss Hine's emerald dragonfly, and only took about 20 minutes but it did result in missing the first bit of the afternoon talks. I did get to hear about forest butterflies and extreme disturbance events at restoration sites.

At 4:00 I presented my own paper, and then (of course) remained in that room for the remainder of the time block event though I would ordinarily have sought out some other papers. After the talks were done for the day I had a series of very interesting conversations in the hallway with a few folks from The Nature Conservancy, a consultant from Texas, and a few others.

It was a shorter and easier day than yesterday. I'm about to look through tomorrow's program and get a sense of what to expect.

I should perhaps mention that last night's poster session included some very solid presentations, with the added bonus of a conversation with a former colleague at another consulting firm. I hadn't seen him in about seven years, so it was nice to catch up. After that a few of us walked over to downtown for dinner, which ultimately made for a late night end to a very good day.

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